Welcome Autumn 2022!

We gather to celebrate a new academic year!

Keeping up with our lab members!

October 2022: A new post-doc has joined the lab! Wesley Evans, who trained at Tulane University, brings valuable expertise in 2-photon calcium imaging that is relevant to our work. Welcome, Wes!

September 2022: Elisa, one of our undergraduate research students, has been awarded the Cook College of Agriculture and Environmental Science Alumni Association Scholarship. Congrats to Elisa!

June 2022: We are extremely excited to welcome three new members of the Huda Lab who will be starting this summer as post-bac researchers - Anagha Kalekar, Zhaobin Li, and Raquel Costa.

June 2022: Nina, an undergraduate student at Duke, will be joining the Huda Lab through the Summer Undergraduate Research Program.

April 2022: Congratulations to our undergraduate research interns Sanya Ravoori and Abimbola Arigbe, for being awarded the DLS-SURF fellowships. They will work on deciphering how manipulating astrocyte calcium signaling modulates motor behavior in healthy and Parkinsonian mice.

March 2022: Congratulations to our undergraduate research assistant Elisa Bu Sha for being accepted to the NIH NIDDK STEP-UP summer research program

April 2021: Congratulations to our undergraduate research intern Daniel Bernstein for receiving the David and Dorothy Bernstein Scholarship for Research! Through this summer fellowship, Daniel will conduct an 8-week project in Quantitative Biological Sciences. The project involves working on experimental and computational methods to capture and analyze limb movement data in mice. Daniel’s research work will contribute to providing a foundation for future Huda Lab experiments, centering around the effects of alcohol, Parkinson's Disease, and other neurological phenomena on locomotion/movement disruption.

May 2020: Congratulations to our undergraduate research assistant My Nguyen for a Rutgers DLS-SURF summer fellowship. My will be using MATLAB and Python to examine the acute effects of alcohol consumption on neuronal physiology and the coupling between brain states.

Cutting-edge research

February 2021: The Huda Lab is excited to share our first pre-print and first foray into alcohol research with 2-photon imaging in PFC during voluntary drinking in head-fixed mice.


August 2020: Undergraduate research assistant My Nguyen presents her poster about the effects of alcohol consumption on the coupling between brain state and prefrontal cortical activity through the DLS-SURF fellowship award.

SURF_Poster (small).jpg

March 2020: The Huda Lab presents its first poster at the 2020 Gordon Research Conference (GRC) on Alcohol and the Nervous System

2020 grc poster final (small).jpg

We examined changes in licking behavior, arousal via pupil dynamics, and corticostriatal activity using longitudinal, two-photon microscopy as head-fixed mice actively consumed ethanol over days. The poster was presented at the 2020 GRC - a forum that brings together alcohol researchers and experts in complementary fields to discuss groundbreaking research at the forefront of investigation into alcohol effects on the nervous system.

Happenings in the lab!


March 2021

Dr. Huda interviewed with the WaterCoolerNeuroscience podcast, where he discussed what it's been like setting up a new lab, especially during the pandemic.


March 2021: The Huda Lab members are working hard to resume the lab set-up. We are preparing surgical tools and building alcohol rigs for our next experiment!
